News from Essex Streetworks Team


Temporary Traffic Regulation Order of Birchanger Lane, Duckend Lane, Birchanger.

Please click on the following link to find details of the intended closure of Birchanger Lane, Duckend Lane, due to commence on 27th March 2020 for 6 days. The closure is required for the safety of the public and workforce while Essex County Council undertakes pre patching for surface dressing.

The Travellers Site - update

No news in this case is -no news!

This is the latest response from enforcement to a request for an update of the traveller site situation.

"Unfortunately there is no update on this.  I will chase PINs [Planning Inspectorate] again regarding this matter but they are saying not to chase appeals as this is causing a drain on their resources.  As soon as I hear from them I will advise you accordingly. 

Kind regards,

Sarah Marshall

Planning Enforcement Team Leader

Uttlesford District Council"


Update on Traveller site

The following advice has been received from Sarah Marshall who is the Planning Enforcement Team Leader for Uttlesford District Council.

"I thought it would be timely to provide the Parish with an update.

A120/Birchanger roundabout roadworks update

County Councillor Ray Gooding has obtained a proposed schedule of actions regarding these works and the likely dates are as follows;

•Aug 2019 will be when tender documents are completed,

•Jan 2020 contract award,

•start asap after that.

The Parish Council has requested that before work commences Highways should liaise with the Council to discuss mitigation of the inevitable disuption which will occur.


Standing Orders April 2019

Notice of Election - Birchanger Parish Council

Uttlesford District Council has published the formal notice of election for the parish council election on 2nd May 2019.

Notice of Election - Uttlesford District Council

Uttlesford District Council has published the formal notice of election for the district council election on 2nd May 2019.

Neighbourhood Watch Coordinators

Attached is a list of neighbourhood watch coordinators. Please report anything suspicious to the one allocated to your address,

List updated 31/01/2019


Travellers Appeal

The occupants of the land at the end of Birchanger Lane have lodged an appeal against the enforcement notice issued by Uttlesford District Council. 

The enforcement notice requires the occupants to stop using the land for residential purposes, to remove caravans, bunding and paraphernalia and to disconnect services.

Road Junction Plans Revised

Essex Highways has revised their plans for Junction 8 of the M11 and the Birchanger Lane/A120/A1250 junction. The proposed layout, forcing all traffic leaving the village to turn left, has been dropped. Instead there's a single staggered traffic-light controlled junction allowing traffic from Birchanger to turn left, right or go across to Dunmow Road. A letter announcing the news was sent to Keith Williams, the Birchanger Parish Council clerk, today.

Do you want to be a councillor?

There are elections for parish and district councillors in May and Uttlesford District Council is holding events for those interested in standing. The first of these is later this month, on Monday 21st January, at the UDC building in Saffron Walden. The text of the UDC announcement follows.

Everything you wanted to know about being a councillor

Are you interested in representing your community? Do you think you could help make a difference? Have you ever thought about standing to be a councillor?

Update on the caravan park

Birchanger Parish Council has received the following from Uttlesford District Council.

This is to provide you with an update on the site Land North of Birchanger.  A planning Enforcement Notice has been served on the site this morning including on named parties.  The requirements of the notice are:

Road Closure

As many of you will have noticed the closure of Birchanger Lane to install fibre is well under way. At the moment the closure is between Tot Lane and High View, and will proceed along the lane as the work progresses over the next few weeks. Access to residents will be maintained and the road will be reopened at night. The work will end on 20th December but will continue in January.

Parking will still be allowed, but some residents may be asked to move their vehicles if the work requires it.


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