ONS Census for 21st March 2021

The Office for National Statistics (ONS) is responsible for the census in England and Wales.

The census is a survey that happens every 10 years and everyone takes part.

Completion of the census has been a legal obligation since 1920.

The information submitted through the census is stored securely for 100 years when it is released to provide a valuable resource for historical and genealogical research.

The next census will take place on Sunday 21st March 2021.

Uttlesford District Council- Help for local businesses

How UDC is helping local businesses


Uttlesford District Council is committed to supporting local businesses and aiding the recovery of the local economy. We have launched two initiatives and are asking for your help in spreading the word. 


In the current climate it is imperative that we offer residents options to shop safely and vital that our local businesses can continue to trade. 


ECC Covid-19 announcement

Social Media Announcement

To ALL Essex Residents,

In a move to slow the current rates of infection across our county, from Saturday,

Essex will be placed into the high level of restrictions (tier 2 on the new COVID


What does this mean?

No household mixing indoors – this includes at home or in hospitality venues

Different households can meet outdoors in public spaces but must stick to the 'Rule

of six'

10pm curfews will remain in place for all pubs and restaurants

Vacancy on Parish Council

Please be advised that Mrs Elizabeth Godwin has resigned from the Parish Council. Liz has served many years as both District and Parish Councillor and she will be sorely missed. She has agreed to remain on the Planning Commitee which means that BPC will have access to her vast knowledge and experience.

Please see the attached official Notice of Vacancy. If there is no request from at least ten electors for an election by 14th August then the Council may fill the vacancy by co-option.

Travellers Site Enforcement Update

Good Afternoon,


This is just to advise you we have been informed by the Planning Inspectorate that the Hearing for the Enforcement Appeal ENF/18/0195/B has been postponed.  This is due to the ongoing Corona Virus situation – the Government guidelines on stopping non-essential travel and contact in the best interests of staff and the wider public. 

As soon as we have some more information we will be in touch.


Kind regards


Planning and Building Control Support Team

Report from County Councillor Ray Gooding

The work of the County Council has, not surprisingly changed immeasurably over the last few months and the issue of Highway matters has taken rather a back seat with preference for many of the things that we always do but never figure very highly on most people’s agenda .  Having said that Highways are continuing to work on all of the normal pothole filling and some resurfacing work together with general repairs.  However, that work is at a slower pace than normal because of the issues around staff safety and social distancing that needs to be maintained  throughout.


Covid-19. Look out for Fraud and Scammers



If you or someone you know is vulnerable and has been a victim of fraud, please call Essex Police on 101.


Report fraud or attempted fraud by contacting Action Fraud at www.actionfraud.police.uk or call 0300 123 2040.


Good afternoon,


Apologies for the lateness of this alert. I was on leave last week – and what a week to be away from the office!


Closure of Birchanger Lane 4 days from 11/06/20


Temporary Traffic Regulation Order of Birchanger Lane, Duckend Lane, Birchanger

Please click on the following link https://one.network/?tm=115047355 to find details of the intended closure of Birchanger Lane, Duckend Lane, due to commence on 11th June 2020 for 4 days. The closure is required for the safety of the public and workforce while Essex County Council undertakes Surface Dressing in Spring/Summer 2020.. Closure in force between 0800-1700hrs only..

Covid-19 -crucial advice from Essex County Council



Dear resident,

I have never written to anyone on a more important subject. I would ask that you please take a moment to read this message.

We are facing the biggest challenge of our times. Coronavirus is a killer. If we do nothing, 500,000 people across our great country will die.

But that horrendous outcome will not happen, provided we act.

The Government has issued good advice. But not all of us are following it.

Uttlesford Waste Collection advice

Waste collections are continuing as normal at this time. We do have contingency plans in place and will communicate those if/when those plans kick-in.

UDC Joint statement on Covid-19

Please see attached joint statement from UDC on Covid-19.

Land to North of Birchanger Lane-Travellers appeal update

Please see thepdf file regarding the appeal from the travellers on the site designated "Land North of Birchanger Lane".

UDC on Local Plan

Please see the pdf of a letter sent out by UDC regarding the Local Plan.


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