Injunction granted

Sarah Marshall of Uttlesford District Council's enforcement team has sent the following to the parish council and to our district councillors. 

Dear all,

I am writing with an update regarding the site Land north of Birchanger Lane.  As you will be aware the return date to hear the injunction was today.  I can confirm that the injunction was granted late this morning and a copy has now been served on the site.  The order, until further notice, forbids the named defendants from:

  1. Bringing on to the Land or stationing on the Land any further caravans/mobile homes, vehicles or other residential paraphernalia.
  2. Occupying or carrying out works to facilitate the occupation of any caravan/mobile home on the Land which is not already occupied on the date this order is served
  3. Occupying any caravan/mobile home of which they are not already in occupation
  4. Carrying out any further unlawful development of the land. 

The Council are still awaiting the additional information required to make the application valid.  I have been advised that external parties have been engaged to provide this information.  Of course you will be made aware when this application has been made valid. 

The Council will continue to monitor the site for any unauthorised works and continue with enforcement action as discussed at the public meeting last week. 

Kind regards,

Sarah Marshall
Planning Enforcement Team Leader
Uttlesford District Council
London Road
Saffron Walden, CB11 4ER