About the Council


The Parish Council is the most local tier of Government. We do the following for the residents of Birchanger.

  • Provide street lights in Birchanger Lane (only)
  • Provide dog waste bins
  • Manage the recreation ground
  • Manage the allotments (delegated to the allotment-holders association)
  • Provide an opinion on planning applications that are in, or affect, the village

The council sends representatives to several local organisations and meetings. These include Town and Parish Council Liaison Committee; Birchanger Wood Trust; Birchanger Village Magazine, and the Uttlesford Public Transport Forum.

Birchanger Parish Council is a member of the Essex Association of Local Councils.

Meetings are held most months on the first Tuesday at 7.30 in the village hall. The press and public are welcome to attend any meeting except when confidential personal information is being discussed. At full council meetings a short period is set aside for the public to address the council.